Our partnership
Our close ties and long-standing partnership with the Victoria and Albert Museum allow us to curate exceptional experiences for our guests. These include complimentary tickets, two curator-led events per year, exclusive access to sold-out shows, and occasional 'Tea Talks', where a curator delivers an insightful presentation during Afternoon Tea at The Egerton House. The harmonious blend of The Egerton's luxury and the rich cultural treasures of the V&A ensures an experience like no other for our visitors.
Getting there
From the hotel, walk 100 yards to Brompton Road, turn left and walk 300 yards to arrive opposite the main entrance. The location of our hotel next to the V&A means that you can arrive nice and early without taking public transport, and before the crowds start to gather. After your visit, return to The Egerton House Hotel and we’ll revive you with one of our legendary afternoon teas.